Lasten näkökulma yhteisöistä tehdyissä tutkimuksissa – kartoittava kirjallisuuskatsaus




communities, children's perspectives, scoping review


The social relations of children have been widely studied and in recent years more research has been done from the perspectives of children. However, much less research has been done communities in which children live, especially from a children’s perspectives. The aim of this scoping literature review is to explore how children’s perspectives are reflected in previous studies of communities. The study examines what is known about children’s experiences and views of their communities. In addition, the review examines how children’s perspectives have been studied. The review includes 24 research articles, all of which expand children’s diverse communities based on children's experiences. Three themes emerged in children’s views: people, locality, and experiences. The results of the study suggest that children’s perceptions of communities are very similar to how communities are generally defined by researchers, and even very young children have perceptions and views about the communities in which they live and influence.


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