Kaksivuotisen esiopetuksen kokeilun opettajien käsityksiä viisivuotiaiden lasten esiopetuksen ja varhaiskasvatuksen eroista





two-year pre-primary education trial, pre-primary education, early childhood education and care, teachers


We examined the extent to which the teachers of the national two-year pre-primary education trial see differences between the early childhood education and care (ECEC) and pre-primary education of five-year-old children. It was also investigated whether teachers' views differ regarding certain ECEC and pre-primary education structural measures. Questionnaire responses of 363 teachers were analyzed through mixed-method approach. Majority of teachers saw differences between the ECEC and pre-primary education for five-year-olds. However, also a significant number of teachers did not see any differences. Two main themes emerged from the responses: organizing and conducting pre-primary education and practicing children's skills. Especially, pre-primary education for five-year-olds was perceived as a more goal-oriented and planned function compared to ECEC for five-year-olds. Teachers' views concerning certain sub-themes differed regarding their work experience, the number of personnel in the child group, the age distribution of the child group and the size of the municipality.


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