Kasvatuskumppanuus ammatillisena yhteistyösuhteena − Eronteot muihin sosiaalisiin kumppanuussuhteisiin varhaiskasvatuksen ammattilaisten puhetavoissa


  • Marjatta Kekkonen Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos, Finland


partnership, kumppanuus, professionalism, ammatillisuus, cooperation, yhteistyö, early childhood education and care, varhaiskasvatus


The concept of educational partnership in ECEC services has been researched from the standpoint of societal educators, parent-­teacher conferences, the municipality based ECEC‐educational plans as well as from point of view of mothers’ on child education and their need for support. The concept of educational partnership is problematic in public services, where responsibilities and tasks of different stakeholders are not based on equality and free choice. The concept has also been criticized for being too intimate to represent the relationship of citizens and public services. The aim of this article is to generate and define professional borders of partnership relationship by differentiating the meaning of educational partnership from more informal social relationships. Data consists of interviews and group discussions of early childhood practitioners. The voice of parents and children is generated through practitioners’ talk. The framework of the study is social constructionism and discursive social psychology. The focus of analysis is in conversational practices, which construct and generate social reality. The use of language is understood as a form of social action, as doing through talking. The construction of educational partnership is differentiated from similar discourses of informal social relationships such as friendship, peer relationship, kinship and personal chemistry relationships. In conclusion, educational partnership enhances the equality of children when based on professional expertize, openness and commitment to basic values of early childhood






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