“Haasteet on monesti ratkaistavissa hyvällä asenteella ja yhteistyöllä” Kulttuurisensitiivisyys esiopetusryhmän kasvattajien puheessa omasta työstään



inclusion, inkluusio, cultural diversity, kulttuurinen moninaisuus, pre-primary education, esiopetus, cultural sensitivity, kulttuurisensitiivisyys


There are more children whose mother tongue is not Finnish and who come from different cultural backgrounds in early childhood education settings. In the national core curriculum for pre-primary education, the development of pre-primary education based on inclusion and cultural diversity is encouraged. In this research, we review how cultural sensitivity is manifested in educators’ speech in their work in pre-primary settings. Cultural sensitivity education could be understood to be closely connected to inclusion ideas because it brings out the inclusion value base and commitment to inclusion values (Taylor & Sobel, 2011). The research material consists of a thematic interview with the educators of one pre-school group. A drawing picture was used as inspiration for the discussion. The data was analysed using hermeneutic methods. The analysis resulted in two themes: individual support for children and cooperation with parents and local area actors. These two themes demonstrate how educators’ cultural sensitivity is shown in pre-primary group. Based on the results, educators’ common pedagogical view of a group’s activities and attitudes towards children and families is essential. Insufficient resources, lack of language skills and intercultural differences bring tensions to pre-primary school educators’ culturally sensitive work.






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