Tilaa toisen kohtaamiselle vai tilaa toiseuttaa? Katsomuskasvatuksen merkityskerrokset varhaiskasvatussuunnitelmissa


  • Katja Castillo University of Oulu, Finland https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2620-4629
  • Outi Ylitapio-Mäntylä University of Oulu, Finland https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2620-4629
  • Juha Mikkonen University of Oulu, Oulun yliopiston normaalikoulu, Finland
  • Markku Kuorilehto University of Oulu, Oulun yliopiston normaalikoulu, Finland


worldview education, katsomuskasvatus, Levinas, curriculum studies, varhaiskasvatussuunnitelmat, discourse analysis, diskurssianalyysi


In this article we examine the construction of worldview education in the Finnish National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education (2018) and local early childhood education curricula from municipalities in Northern Finland. We analyze worldview education through Biesta’s three educational purposes: socialization, qualification and subjectification. We deepen our approach to subjectification through Levinas’ philosophy placing an emphasis on encountering otherness. Worldview education enables processes of ethical subjectification, where the being of the growing subject is called into question in the encountering of diversity of worldviews. We analyze the curricula of worldview education from this theoretical standpoint using discourse analysis. We ask what kind of layers of meaning construct worldview education in the national core curriculum for early childhood education and care and in local curricula of 18 municipalities in Northern Finland. Through our research data worldview education is pictured as heterogeneous and diverse, which guides early childhood educators to implement worldview education through three different orientations: 1. Celebrations and events, 2. Interaction between different stakeholders, 3. Interactions between the children and the educator. Textual analysis demonstrated how the usage of concepts related to worldview in the curricula produces diverse discursive forms on worldviews: discourse of diversity, discourse of
othering as well as discourse of child’s worldview.






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