Interprofessional practicum in the context of Finnish early childhood education and care


  • Sanni Kahila Itä-Suomen yliopisto
  • Tiina Kuutti Itä-Suomen yliopisto
  • Juho Kahila Itä-Suomen yliopisto
  • Nina Sajaniemi Itä-Suomen yliopisto



Interprofessional practicum, interprofessional collaboration, early childhood education


At present, interprofessional collaboration is the agenda for progression in the Finnish ECEC field. Supporting students' professional development toward interprofessional collaboration during the pre-service time is regarded as important. This study examined interprofessional practicum in ECEC centres and explored both students’ and mentors’ perceptions on it. Focus group discussions were analysed through content analysis. The results revealed that students and mentors perceived interprofessional practicum as important in terms of professional development. The most rewarding experiences were related to the students' joint assignment, the Topaasia game, and the students' peer support. The negative experiences were related to organisational issues that complicated the preparation for the practicum period and limited collaboration between students. For appropriate implementation, the interprofessional practicum still requires long-term progression. Based on students’ and mentors’ perceptions, recommendations for organising interprofessional practicum in ECEC centres are presented.


Act on Early Childhood Education and Care (540/2018).

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