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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The guidelines for formatting the text have been adhered to.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the anonymity guidelines for peer-reviewed articles have been adhered to.
  • When submitting a manuscript, indicate the type of text you are offering for publication.

Author Guidelines

Article manuscripts

Authors may propose scientific articles, shorter review articles, columns, book reviews, lectures or other texts related to the topic for publication in the Cultural Policy Research Yearbook. The yearbook can also invite articles, for example, in connection with the Finnish Conference on Cultural Policy Research. Manuscripts may be submitted in Finnish, Swedish or English.

Manuscripts should be submitted via the yearbook’s Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform (preferred method) or by e-mail to the editor-in-chief.

Peer-Reviewed Articles

The maximum length for peer-reviewed articles is 8000 words. This word count includes citations (including endnotes) but does not include the abstract, author information, tables, figures, or the list of references.

Once the editorial team has reviewed and approved a submitted article, it is forwarded to two peer reviewers. The review process maintains anonymity for both the author and the peer reviewers. After the review, the authors receive their articles for revisions and resubmission to the yearbook.

To ensure anonymity, the manuscript must be anonymized by removing the author's name from both the text and the manuscript file's properties (metadata). Additionally, any other identifiers linking to the author, such as references to the author's own work, should be deleted. References to the author's own work can be indicated, for example, as "(author <year>)" or "(reference removed)."

Other Texts (Non-Peer-Reviewed)

The guidelines for columns and book reviews are 2000 words, and for lections 4000 words. The editorial team may assess the length of texts on a case-by-case basis.

The maximum length for a review article is 4,000 words. This word count includes citations (including endnotes) but does not include the abstract, author information, tables, figures, or the list of references.

A review article is a shorter text than a research article, focusing on an essential theme in cultural policy research, drawing on previous research. The approach in the review can also be methodological, theoretical, or present data. A review article might address topics like theoretical or methodological developments in cultural policy research, a scholar's contributions to the field, or the state of a specific area of cultural policy research debate. Review articles may also propose new perspectives or research approaches in cultural policy (scientific innovation). Review articles do not undergo formal peer review but are assessed by the editorial team of the journal.

Drafting manuscripts

Guidelines for formatting the text

  • Draft your text using common, easy-to-read fonts, such as Times New Roman, Cambria or Calibri.
  • The body text should be single-spaced using a 12-point font.
  • Preferably use no more than two heading levels in addition to the main heading of the article.
  • Do not hyphenate the text and avoid additional paragraph formatting.
  • Use endnotes instead of footnotes and collect the sources at the end of the text as a bibliography.
  • Material citations and other quotations that can be visually separated from the body text should be marked clearly with quotation marks or in the ready-made style of your word processing software. Mark direct quotations longer than three sentences as a separate paragraph. Include a reference at the end of the quote.
  • Use italics instead of underlining for emphasis and underline links.
  • Make URLs clickable hyperlinks. Keep the hyperlinks as short as possible and check their functionality.
  • When expressing limit values (e.g. 1995–2002), the numbers should be separated from each other using a dash, not a hyphen or a minus sign.
  • At the beginning of the article, create a brief summary of a maximum of 150 words, which includes the article's title and covers the article's objectives, methodological approach, data, and results. For articles in Finnish or Swedish, include an English summary as well (150 words). Include four to six keywords.

Illustrations, figures and tables

  • Send tables and figures as separate attachments (e.g. images in .jpg, .tiff or .eps, .svg or .pdf format). It is recommended to mark the places for figures in the text using square brackets. For illustrations, consider a sufficient resolution for possible printing purposes (200-300 pixels/inch).
  • The key contents of illustrations and figures should be described also in the text in case they cannot be accessed by the reader.
  • Include alternative text (alt text) for illustrations and figures that provides a brief text description of the essential content of the image. Alternative text should be short, preferably less than 120 characters. Submit the alternative texts to the editor in a separate attachment (e.g. docx). Guidelines for writing alternative text can be found here (in Finnish).
  • Do not leave empty cells in tables.
  • Write numbers less than zero with a zero in front, for example 0.837, not .837. Otherwise, the screen reader will read the number as 837.

Guidelines for references

The publication uses the APA referencing style.

Within the body text, the in-text referencing style should be used (e.g. Quine, 2009, pp. 255–257). When referencing e-journal articles, use a digital object identifier (DOI) instead of the URL whenever possible. You can find examples of the reference style used in the yearbook on the pages of the yearbook. Detailed instructions can be found in the APA manual:

Further practical instructions can be found, for example, on the scientific writing website of Purdue University:


Inha, J. (2004). Elämä ja oikeus – K. J. Ståhlberg oikeusajattelijana. K. J. Ståhlbergin oikeusajattelun pääpiirteet. Suomalaisen lakimiesyhdistyksen julkaisuja, A-sarja N:o 247. Helsinki: Suomalainen lakimiesyhdistys.

Quine, M. (2009). How Many People go to the Theatre? A Challenge of evidence-based Policy-making. Teoksessa M. Pyykkönen, N. Simanainen & S. Sokka (toim.) What about Cultural Policy? Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Culture and Politics (251–269). Helsinki: Minerva Kustannus.

Laukkanen, A. & Rantala P. (2013). Kulttuuri, hyvinvointi ja sisäistetty raha. Kulttuurintutkimus, 30 (3), 29–32.

Referencing electronic sources

When referencing e-journal articles, use a digital object identifier (DOI) instead of the URL whenever possible. Strive for accuracy when referencing websites; indicate the author and year. If the author’s name is not given, enter the page title. If no year or date has been given, indicate this with s.d. (sine dato).

Givskov, C. (2014). Institutionalization through Europenization: the Danish film policy reforms of the 1980s and 1990s. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 20 (3), 281–295. DOI: 10.1080/10286632.2013.786058 (Retrieved 11.6.2014)

Kulttuurin hallinto ja toimijat (s.d.). Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön verkkosivusto. URL: (Retrieved 11.6.2014)

Sjöholm, C. (2013). Jakten på regional tillväxt. Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidskrift, 16 (2). URL: (Retrieved 11.6.2014)

Privacy Statement

Names and e-mail addresses (or other personal data) from the yearbook entered into the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform are only used for the purposes of the yearbook and are not disclosed for any other purpose or to other parties.

Read the privacy statement regarding the service. Read the privacy statement regarding the service. The yearbook acts as joint registrar of the service together with the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV) as described in the privacy statement.