About the Journal

The Cultural Policy Research Yearbook is a scientific journal published by the Society for Cultural Policy Research in Finland, which brings together interdisciplinary research in cultural policy and relevant ongoing discussions. The yearbook features peer-reviewed scientific articles, shorter review articles, and columns related to the field of research. In addition to articles, book reviews, interviews and lectures are also published. While the primary language of the yearbook is Finnish, it is also published in Swedish and English.


Vappu Renko, DSocSci, vappu.renko(at)cupore.fi

Aleksi Lohtaja, DSocSci, aleksi.lohtaja(at)archinfo.fi

Peer reviews

All articles published in the yearbook undergo an anonymized peer-review process. The yearbook is authorized to use the peer-review label issued by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV). The yearbook's Publication Forum classification (JUFO) is at Level 1 (basic level).

The yearbook employs a two-tier publication threshold and a refereeing process. Editors, in collaboration with the editorial board, select articles submitted by authors for peer review. Peer review is double-blind, and each article's academic suitability is assessed by at least two referees. The reviewers are experts in cultural policy with the necessary academic qualifications to evaluate the manuscript.

Reviewers are instructed to consider the following aspects while evaluating articles:

• Relevance and interest of the article's topic, particularly in the context of domestic cultural policy research, and the justification or explanation provided within the article.
• The article's structured purpose and clear approach, ensuring comprehensibility, especially given the multidisciplinary nature of the publication.
• Specification, contextualization, and justification of research materials used, ensuring their suitability for the article's purpose.
• Well-structured treatment of theoretical perspectives, aligning meaningfully with the article's purpose.
• Adherence to good style, well-founded and logical argumentation, and high-quality language.
Reviewers' comments and/or summaries, along with any suggested revisions made by the editors, are sent to the authors of accepted manuscripts. An article that has been previously rejected and resubmitted undergoes another round of peer review.

The yearbook's editorial processes are documented within the yearbook's editorial board, with the information not being publicly accessible. The documentation includes the titles and authors of peer-reviewed article manuscripts, the names of referees, and, if applicable, whether the manuscript was accepted for publication. For published, peer-reviewed articles, the documentation includes the manuscript version, referee comments, and editorial decisions on publication. This information is not public and is not reported; it serves the purpose of demonstrating the proper implementation of peer review when necessary.

Guidelines for open publishing

The Cultural Policy Research Yearbook is a free and open-access peer-reviewed scientific publication available in electronic format on the journal.fi service. The contents of the yearbook are openly accessible immediately upon publication of each issue or individual article. Parallel storage of published articles is allowed.

Privacy statement

Names and email addresses (or other personal data) entered into the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform for the yearbook are solely used for yearbook-related purposes and are not shared with any other parties for any other purposes.

Please review the privacy policy for the Journal.fi service. The yearbook serves as a joint data controller for the service, in partnership with the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV), as outlined in the privacy statement.


ISSN: 2343-290X