Ett kryddat språk – att uttrycka och översätta sinnesintryck i matprogram
undertextning, sinnen, matprogramAbstrakti
In this pilot study, we focus on the translation of verbal expression of senses in Danish cooking programs. Our material is 11 minutes of the Danish television chef Camilla Plum’s program Krudt og krydderier and its Finnish subtitles. Expressions related to all of the five senses are used by Plum in the program, and in the study the significance of expressing senses is discussed. In our analysis we aim to clarify to what extent expressions regarding sensory impressions are translated and in which ways the verbal expressions describing senses have been adapted to the written format and the Finnish audience. We focus on differences and similarities between original and subtitles. Our analysis shows that the subtitles, in spite of the need for condensation of the original speech, convey most of the impressions provided by the television chef, with only a few modifications.

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