Kääntäminen ja teknologia: näkökulmia Heideggerin filosofiasta
kääntäminen, käännös, teknologia, uhat, Martin Heidegger, laskeva ajattelu, mietiskelevä ajattelu, silleen jättäminen, GelassenheitAbstrakti
We should not underestimate philosophical ideas, since they can help us to analyze and under- stand what is going on in the surrounding world and when necessary, even to control this development and its mechanisms. This is what is proposed in the present article, which draws on Martin Heidegger’s (1889–1976) philosophical thinking, and applies some of his views to the field of translating. Special attention is paid, on the one hand, to his views of modern technology and its powerful status and impact, and on the other, to his dichotomy of calculative and meditative thinking. These Heideggerian conceptions are then discussed from the point of view of translation in order to show their relevance and applicability. Technology is, in Heidegger’s view, both a threat and an opportunity as well as something that can both enslave and be a necessity. But the solution which Heidegger proposes is somewhat surprising, since he advocates an attitude that consists of simultaneously saying “yes” and “no” to technology. Central to this attitude is the concept of letting be, or releasement (Gelassenheit), which embraces an open, waiting, and receptive approach to that the sense of which still remains hidden to us. Here, this “yes”-and-“no”-attitude means that we take, or receive, a Heideggerian time out.

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