Mitä käännösprosessi ja -produkti kertovat opiskelijan kompetenssista?
kompetenssi, opiskelija, prosessi, produkti, oppiminen, konstruktivismiAbstrakti
Expertise studies in the field of translation have yielded valuable information on typical novice behavior in translation. From the teaching point of view, however, considering all students as novices appears to be poorly justified. While one student may show all prototypical tendencies of a novice translator, the other may translate in an almost professional manner. My PhD thesis aims at shedding light on different ways of learning translation. Its first phase focuses on describing different starting points, i.e. discovering what declarative and procedural knowledge of translation the students of translation possess at the beginning of their studies. In this article, the translation processes and products of four first-year students are presented and discussed with the aim of depicting their starting points with regard to translation-related competence.

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