Käännöstieteen ja narratologian yhteispeliä: Tutkimuskohteena näkökulman muuttuminen käännöksissä
näkökulma, vapaa epäsuora esitys, narratologia, eksplisiittistäminen, normaalistaminen, kääntämisen universaalit, monitieteisyysAbstrakti
In translation, the narrative point of view of the original may be altered – for example, it may shift from a fictional character to the narrator. In the present study, the observed shifts in point of view are approached through the narratological notion of free indirect discourse (FID) and accounted for with the translation-theoretical notions of explicitation and normalization, posited as universals of translation. The loss of FID in translations – and the consequent shifts in the narrative point of view – result from various linguistic changes. However, when these changes are conceived of as different manifestations of explicitation and normalization, the linguistic indices of FID in the original are also perceived as different realizations of textual implicitness and incoherence, features opposite to explicitation and normalization. Identifying these features is the key to explaining the non-transfer of FID into translations – but also to settling the pro- longed dispute between the linguistic (grammatical) and the narratological (interpretive/contextual) approaches to FID. By showing how the ambiguous nature of FID rests upon its linguistic implicitness and incoherence, comparative translation analysis – together with the framework offered by research into translation universals – serves to deepen our understanding of the notion it operates with. The benefits of an interdisciplinary approach turn out to be mutual – with translation studies not only making use of a narratological concept, but also making itself useful to narratology.

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