Arjen käännöstekstien jäljillä. Käännökset ympärillämme -hankkeen jatkoa
The paper reports on the follow-up of a diary study measuring the amount of translations read daily by translation students (Paloposki 2006). The aim of the present study was to refine the methodology so that the actual amount of translations in the daily reading practices could be measured. To this end, we developed a text diary where participants, students and non-students, could easily fill in (electronically or on paper) all texts they read during one single day. They were also asked to specify whether the texts read were translations or not. Since the distinction between translation and non-translation is not always clear, the survey was supplemented by participant interviews, where clarifications could be made to the diary submitted. The diary also contained a column for comments in case there was, for instance, doubts on the nature and origin of the text. Based on this pilot study, it seems that the amount of translations in our daily reading is relatively high, slightly over 40 %. There were also marked differences between the two participant groups: the students, for example, read less newspapers and watched more subtitled programmes on TV than the group of non-students.
Copyright (c) 2007 Inkaliisa Vihonen, Leena Salmi

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