The Expository Apposition Marker þet is and Punctuation in the Corpus MS of Ancrene Wisse


  • Chiyoko Inosaki Kyoto University

Mots-clés :

þet is, Ancrene Wisse, expository apposition marker, punctuation


The aims of this essay are two-fold. Firstly, it seeks to provide
a semantic analysis of the expository apposition marker þet is as it is employed in the Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 402 of Ancrene Wisse. This is in order to provide comparative data with the research of Pahta and Nevanlinna concerning the expository apposition marker that is. Secondly, it seeks to establish the relationship between the
expository apposition marker that is and its accompanying punctus in order to reveal scribal attempts at the differentiating use of the punctus, depending on the first appositive.




Comment citer

Inosaki, C. (2021). The Expository Apposition Marker þet is and Punctuation in the Corpus MS of Ancrene Wisse. Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 121(2), 395–421.