Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis is a publication series published by the Donner Institute for research in Religious and Cultural History in Åbo, Finland. The aim of the institute, which is attached to the Foundation of Åbo Akademi University, is to conduct and promote scholarly research in the field of religion.
Vol. 5 (1970): Mysticism

Mysticism has been a central part of the study of religion in the Nordic countries since the groundbreaking works of Tor Andrae and Nathan Söderblom were published in the early twentieth century. In this volume, based on a symposium on mysticism held at the Donner Institute in 1968, several of the leading scholars of religion of the time present their research on mysticism from historical, psychological, theological and linguistic points of view. Among the authors are found e.g. Hjalmar Sundén, Holger Tesleff, Birgit Klockars, Wilho Rinne and Åke V. Ström. Mysticism is highlighted in a historical as well as in a contemporary context and the difficult question of 'faith and reason' – in its present variant of 'mysticism and scholarship' – is challenged and discussed.
The volume is based on papers read at the Symposium on Mysticism held at Åbo on the 7th-9th September, 1968. Ed. by Sven S. Hartman and Carl-Martin Edsman. Stockholm : Almqvist & Wiksell, 1970.