Forum: Theology and the Anthropology of Christian Life



We are glad to launch a new format of a dialogic book review symposium with Joel Robbins’s (2020) Theology and the Anthropology of Christian Life. With contributions from anthropologist Minna Opas, theologian Mika Vähäkangas, and a response from Robbins, this is the first instalment of dialogic encounters on books that cross disciplinary boundaries. Similar to Robbins’s (2020: 13) notion of ‘transformative dialogue’ between anthropology and theology, this new format takes dialogue to be at the heart of the art and practice of book reviewing. In future instalments, we invite scholars from different disciplines to comment on books written by anthropologists from the point of view of their interdisciplinary transformative potential, including the limits of this potential to be actualized in the present. At the core, we are interested in anthropological concept formation at the interface of fieldwork and other disciplines, and how anthropological concepts have influence beyond anthropological theory. If you have suggestions on books that you would like to propose for a dialogic book review symposium, please get in touch.


Kauppinen, A.-R. (2022). Forum: Theology and the Anthropology of Christian Life. Suomen Antropologi, 46(3), 90.