-ngV/-н(ь)гV-johtimet Karjalan nimistössä





This article investigates place-names of Russian Karelia containing the formant (word-final element) -ngV /-nkV. The main purpose of the article is the description and systematization of Karelian toponyms belonging to this type. From the perspective of research on language contacts, it is an especially interesting type that apparently has multiple sources and includes place-names of different origin. In the article, the appearance of this formant in the Karelian appellatives and the use of the -ngV  place names in historical documents of various periods are investigated. The possible origin of this word-final element is discussed and a comparative analysis of the stems containing the formant -ngV /-nkV  in the Karelian toponymy is carried out. The article also touches upon the use of the formant -n’gV in the Russian toponymy of Northwest Russia and its links with the Finnish formant -ngV.




How to Cite

Kuzmin, D. (2011). -ngV/-н(ь)гV-johtimet Karjalan nimistössä. Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seuran Aikakauskirja, 2011(93), 85–110. https://doi.org/10.33340/susa.82999