Ersän prolatiivin merkitykset




In this paper I study the meanings (semantic functions) of the prolative in Erzya. The
aim of this paper is to find out what different meanings can be expressed by the prolative
in Erzya and what are the links between these meanings. The study is corpus-based, and
the data collected from the corpus is analyzed in the framework of cognitive linguistics.
The meanings are separated from eachother by using the concepts of Proto-scene and
functional element (Tyler & Evans 2003). By studying the data, I have found five Protoscenes
that differ from eachother, and thus five meanings for the prolative of Erzya. In
addition, four of these meanings can be divided into two contextual variants, which have
the same Proto-scene but differ systematically in usage context. Moreover, I represent
the prolative as a radial category based on the connections between the Proto-scenes.
This study is one of the first attempts to describe a lesser-studied Uralic language in the
framework of cognitive linguistics, and as such interesting for both scholars of Uralic
languages and of cognitive linguistics.




How to Cite

Erkkilä, R. (2021). Ersän prolatiivin merkitykset. Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seuran Aikakauskirja, 2021(98), 67–111.