Essentializing Ethnicity:

Expellees and Ethno-National Categorizations in the European Postwar Moment, 1943-1948


  • Pertti Ahonen Jyväskylän yliopisto


Europe, history, world war 2, expellee, expulsion, forced migration, identity, belonging, nationality, postwar, ethnicity


This article introduces an ongoing project that examines a key aspect of the transition from war to uneasy peace in the aftermath of WWII in Europe: the ethno-national categorizations of the expellees forcibly transported across inter-state borders as national minorities. It argues that the level of ethno-national homogeneity between incoming expellees and more established population groups in the ‘postwar moment’ has been exaggerated. In fact, this period witnessed a complex process of redefining and renegotiating the bounds of the postwar national community in which ethno-national categories were contested and whose consequences were far-ranging, both immediately and in the longer term.




How to Cite

Ahonen, P. (2024). Essentializing Ethnicity: : Expellees and Ethno-National Categorizations in the European Postwar Moment, 1943-1948. Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, 2024(1), 10–23.