Akateeminen johtajuus etenee murroksesta toiseen

Pohdintoja johtamisesta yliopistouran alkuvaiheessa


  • Tuuli Toivonen University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Riku Reunamäki Digital Geography Lab, Helsingin yliopisto


Akateeminen johtaminen, leadership


Academic leadership is unique in that typically, the leader is leading a group of independent and critically thinking individuals – who do not necessarily want to be led. In this article, we discuss the points of disruption over an academic leader’s career and the self-management skills needed to navigate these changes. We adopt Bolman and Deal’s (2017) framework and reflect on academic leadership through its structural, human resource, political, and symbolic frames. We hope that this article helps academics see leadership as an integral part of academic work throughout the academic career and inspires more studies on academic leadership.




How to Cite

Toivonen, T., & Reunamäki, R. (2024). Akateeminen johtajuus etenee murroksesta toiseen: Pohdintoja johtamisesta yliopistouran alkuvaiheessa. Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, 2024(2), 80–97. https://doi.org/10.57048/aasf.147804