Moninaisten oppijoiden tukeminen vieraiden kielten opetuksessa eriyttämisen keinoin

Supporting individual learners through differentiation in foreign language teaching


  • Katja Mäntylä Jyväskylän yliopisto
  • Anssi Roiha Jyväskylän yliopisto
  • Kati Kajander Jyväskylän yliopisto


eriyttäminen, vieraan kielen oppiminen, vieraan kielen opettaminen, yksilöllisyys


This article discusses differentiation as a means of providing individual support for foreign language learners. In line with inclusive education, all language teachers need to have some knowledge of how to support a wide range of learners. Differentiation is an approach to teaching in which all students’ individuality is taken into account. In this article, we introduce common problems affecting language learning and how teachers can tackle or mitigate them through differentiation. We also briefly discuss how teachers can support gifted language learners. We base the article on the 5-dimensional model of differentiation, which distinguishes five dimensions of differentiation: 1) teaching arrangements, 2) learning environment, 3) teaching methods, 4) support materials and 5) assessment. The article aims at offering practical tools for teachers.