Mitä kirjoitusprosessi kertoo minusta kirjoittajana? Kielten yliopisto-opiskelijoiden monikielisen kirjoittajatietoisuuden tukeminen

What does the writing process reveal about me as a writer? Supporting multilingual writer awareness at the university level


  • Maarit Mutta Turun yliopisto
  • Päivi Laine Turun yliopisto


kirjoittajatietoisuus, metodologinen ja pedagoginen opetuskokeilu, monikielinen kirjoittaminen


In this study, we present a pedagogical experiment familiarizing students with writing process methodologies and increasing their writer awareness. Process data were collected and examined through keystroke logging and visualization by using the GGXLog program. The pedagogical experiment was conducted in an 8-week Master level course with students (N=12) who wrote texts in their first language (L1) and foreign languages (L2). The findings show that the writer’s identity is often built on L1 perceptions. The process-oriented and multilingual analyses can either support the earlier self-knowledge as a writer or modify it. Consequently, they increase students’ writer awareness. Furthermore, visualization and verbalization of the writing process can help both learners and teachers to become aware of the problematic aspects of the writing process. The research focuses on the university level, but the same pedagogical methodology can also be applied to other educational contexts.