Puhe kehittämisestä pörssiyhtiöiden vuosikertomusten strategiateksteissä
annual report, strategy, context of situationAbstrakti
The article examines companies’annual reports. An annual report invariably specifies a company’s strategy. This strategy is used to communicate the future plans of the company and how it will be developed. The aim of this study is to analyze the linguistic choices used in the strategies when the development of the company is discussed and what these choices mean. The analysis is based on systemic-functional linguistics, and it focuses on the processes of clauses. The analysis reveals that future speech is constructed in the strategies by the material process ‘develop’. It is expressed more in passive than in active and more in grammatical metaphor than finite form. The meaning is also abstract. The verb develop and the related linguistic choices are one resource to construct a positive and go-ahead image in the context.