Oppilaiden aloitus- ja vastausvuorot venäjänkielisessä CLIL-alkuopetuksessa


  • Maarit Kaunisto


CLIL, luokkahuonediskurssi, oikea-aikainen tuki, aloite, responssi


This article analyses responses and initiatives made by 6-to 8-year-old learners interacting in a CLIL classroom where the language of instruction is Russian (L2). The focus is on language support and teacher-led interaction (IRF), which are considered to stimulate responses and initiatives made by learners. The empirical data consist of approximately 45 minutes of interaction videotaped in the classroom over a period of two years (four samples selected for analysis). The  target group of the study consists of 18 pupils: 7 girls and 11 boys who all study Russian as a foreign language (L2). The context of the study is both ethnographic and discourse-pragmatic. Although the data sets are not comparable with each other, they show that the number of learner responses in the target language increases as do the number and length of learner initiatives during the two years in question. It can also be assumed that utterances in the mother tongue (L1) will gradually be left out.