Järjestöjen vaikuttamistaktiikat internet-aikana: latentti luokka-analyysi


  • Mika Vehka Helsingin yliopisto
  • Juho Vesa Helsingin yliopisto


Interest groups, influence tactics


Associations’ tactics of influence in the age
of the internet: a latent class analysis
This article examines the use of different
influence tactics, including both traditional (e.g.,
committee membership) and new internet-
based tactics (e.g. social media) by interest
groups (associations) in Finland. With interest
group theory as our theoretical framework, we
use data collected in an online survey to explore
how different tactics of influence are conjointly
utilised. First, a latent class analysis shows
that some organizations use almost all tactics
more actively than others, including internet-
based tactics. Second, we study how a group’s
resources and type affect which ‘influencer type’
(active or more or less passive) they belong to.
There seems to be no bias related to group type:
for example business groups are not more often
the most active ones compared to public citizen
groups when resources are controlled.


