Vanhan ongelman uudet puitteet: mitä korruption ehkäisemisestä olisi kysyttävä NPM-maailmassa?


  • Olli-Pekka Viinamäki


The article seeks what are relevant
questions to be asked for curbing corruption in
NPM-driven organizations. Article is based on
analyses on Netherlands, the United Kingdom,
Germany, and the United States. The factors that
may increase corruption within NPM-reforms are
discussed in terms of the country-specific
literature. The article address that corruption is
combination of possibility, opportunity, and
motivation which NPM-reforms generate. lt is
argued that corruption risks are become
manifold because of decentralization, creation of
state enterprises, outsourcing, managerialism,
and regeneration of public management values.
On the basis of comparative notions, the article
proposes several questions for the Finnish
administration which can be considered in
curbing corruption.


