Työelämän kehittämisarviointi yliopistosektorilla - Kohti henkilöstölähtöisempiä arviointi- ja palautejärjestelmiä


  • Karoliina Jarenko
  • Janne Roininen


This parole argues for participatory evaluation
in developing expert organizations. lt presents
two cases from the university sector in which
numerous renewals have taken place during
previous years and personnel has in many
places expressed feelings of being dismissed.
ln the first case all personnel was involved in
setting goals, producing strategy and assessing
performance in the so called third mission
of universities: the societal interaction. The
second case describes a participatory quality
assessment system. Although deep and wide
inclusion in development processes requires
resources, the benefits are remarkable. ln
addition to lesser resistance to change, the
quality of these processes improves. The
participatory development process roots new
methods into the everyday working-life and
sends a message of respecting employees as
experts of one's own job. Above all, established
is a culture of continuous self-improvement
known to be common among top-professionals.


