Käsiteanalyyttisen tutkimuksen soveltaminen terveyshallintotieteessä - esimerkkinä Rodgersin käsiteanalyysimenetelmä


  • Johanna Lammintakanen
  • Tuula Kivinen
  • Jari Kylmä
  • Juha Kinnunen


The aim of this article was to describe
the application and use of concept analytical
research in development of health management
sciences as an independent scientific discipline.
Concept analysis is essential in terms of
theory construction, developing instruments
in empirical research; and developing both
education and practice. Rodger's evolutionary
concept analysis method, its' methodological
basis as well as critical questions are described
and discussed in relation to health management
sciences in this article. ln addition, the role
and importance of concept analytic research
is discussed from the perspective of health
management sciences and its' development
as a scientific discipline. As a conclusion,
concept analytic research has not gained
prominence in the field of health management
sciences, although it is essential for the
development of the discipline. Furthermore,
Rodgers' evolutionary concept analysis method
is one possible method that is usable in this
field, too.


