Arviointiosaamisen ulottuvuudet julkisella ja kolmannella sektorilla


  • Petri Virtanen


Dimensions of Evaluation Competence
Egon Guba and Yvonna Lincoln published their
evaluation classic "Fourth Generation Evaluation"
over a decade ago. Guba and Lincoln did not say
very much about the "know-how" of evaluation
activities. ln addition, they wrote, mainly, for the
evaluation researchers. ln this article, the
dimensions of competence regarding public and
the third sector evaluation are discussed. To begin
with, knowledge, know-how, knowing, expertise
and competence are vague and inter-related
concepts. Therefore, it is quite difficult to analyse
them in relation with evaluation. However, in this
article four aspects of evaluation competence are
scrutinized. These aspects include the following:
doing evaluations, commissioning evaluations,
being a target for evaluations, and reporting and
disseminating evaluation results. lt is suggested
that much more emphasis should be put into the
questions of metaevaluation and evaluation
training as a whole.


