Palvelussitoumukset julkishallinnon modernisaation välineenä


  • Riitta Haverinen


The article deals with the discource and practice of
Charters in British and Finnish social service
context. The charters transform into Finnish
application as local and voluntary policy options.
The charters have not been adopted in Sweden as
means for public sector modernisation. ln Finland
the adoption of local charters has been coolheaded and somewhat scarce. At the moment local
social service charters have been introduced in the
target and operation program 2000-2003 by the
Ministry of Social Welfare and Health. The social
welfare and health care target and operation
program adresses the charters as options in
developing the services with the feed-back of the
citizens. An interesting new agenda is the workfare
discussion dealing with the rights and
responsibilities of the service users. The workfare
agenda seems to become topical with the
introduction active social policy.


