Kehitysmaat ja tietoyhteiskunta: tietoa, taitoa vai turhuutta?

Faktoja ja visioita Afrikan näkökulmasta


  • Sirkku K. Hellsten


Building lnformation Society in the Third World:
knowledge, development or luxury? Visions and
facts from African perspective
This article discusses the distribution and use of
new information and communication technology
from the point of view of the developing world,
focusing particularly on the situation in Africa. The
author, analyzes, first, the values and ideals of
information/knowledge society by discussing the
relationship between the concepts of information,
knowledge, wisdom and power. Second, the author
as well as examines both the prospects and the
problems in building the "global village". The article
discusses both the global obstacles (such as the
market mechanisms) and the local obstacles (such
as political ambitions and cultural priorities) which
both prevent the developing countries from fully
benefiting from the new technology and instead
leading into a widening (world wide) gap between
'the information rich' and 'the information poor'.


