Byrokratian vanavedessä
Valtion budjettimenot ja niiden tehtävittäinen kehitys vuosina 1870-1913 sekä taloushallinnon järjestelmäuudistus vuonna 1899
Between years 1870-1913 the finish governments
annual budjet expenditures expand from 28 million
to 184 million mark. This growht is related to the
simultaneous modernization of economy and society.
The most growing lines of governments activities
were among the infrastructure and welfare sector.
The most highest absolute and comparative growth
were the expenditures of education - especially the
governments support for primary school network -
and infrastructure construction, mainly support for
establishment of nation-wide railwaynet. During this
period of economical growth and social progress, it
become oviounsly that the governments fiscal
administration had to be also modernize. This
modernization process last almost two decades, and
it was finally done in the year 1899. The reform was
executed two years later, and it is significant,
because it is clear and single fact which combines
states fiscal administration and the developmet of
capitalistic market economy together.