Suomalainen koulutus kansainvälisillä markkinoilla – valtionhallinto koulutusviennin mahdollistajana ja koulutuksen maineen vaalijana


  • Heli Tirri
  • Heikki Silvennoinen


education export, ethics, Finland, Porter's five forces, education administration


In Finland education is a public service, mainly
free of charge. In this context it is reasonable to
ask how do educational values and business val­
ues fit together. How do top public administra­
tors see education as a market commodity in the
international business field? What ethical ques­
tions and solutions have emerged in the field of
education export, and why they are important
to the actors? The study is based on interviews
with four state administrators working with ed­
ucation export and representing national inter­
est. The state administrators have encountered
a number of ethical problems in advancing edu­
cation export. However, they have come up with
several solutions to ethical dilemmas.


