“Ei mennyt turha työ hukkaan” – tutkimus työmenetelmän juurtumisesta palvelujärjestelmän asiakastyöhön


  • Kirsi Unkila Työterveyslaitos
  • Minna Savinainen Työterveyslaitos


diffusion, working practice, client process, service system


We studied the barriers to and enablers of the
diffusion of a new working practice. We used
the diffusion of innovations theory as the the­
oretical framework for this participatory action
study. The data included interviews, memos,
notes from workshops and descriptions of the
environment in which the new practice was
applied. The data were analyzed using induc­
tive content analysis. In general, the enablers
and barriers were related to factors pertaining
to both individuals and structures. The main
barriers were lack of digital skills, incompatible
data systems and characteristics related to the
environment of use or the practice itself. The en­
abling factors related to the users’ competence
and the operating environment.


