Administrative Decentralization: A Bangladesh Perspective


  • M. Manzoor Alam


Administrative Studies, vol. 7(1988): 1, 47-55
Development administration requires decentralization and delegation of authority as well as
the acceptance of the concepts of decentralization and delegation by senior administrators
both in theory and in practice. The administration
of British lndia was extremely centralized;
Pakistan failed to accomplish the decentralization
it aimed at; and Bangladesh inherited a
centralized administration from Pakistan.
At first, Bangladesh tried without success to
accomplish decentralization, and later on
introduced village self-government which was
discontinued after two years' experience.
The present government has taken a new step
towards decentralization through the formation of
the Upazila (Sub-district) which is a new
administrative unit of government. The increased
role of the Upazilas constitute a far-reaching
policy of decentralization, but it is still too early
to comment on its success.


