Managerialismi ja legitiimi auktoriteetti: Weberiläinen näkökulma legitiimin hallintavallan koherenssiin



managerialism, Weber, authority, legitimate, coherence


Managerialism and legitimate authority: A Weberian perspective on the coherence of legitimate rulership

Managerialism is one of the most prominent doctrines that have challenged the traditional model of governance in public administration in recent years. This article presents an alternative frame of reference for making sense of the socio-political implications of managerialism, based on the theory of types of authority articulated by Weber (2019) as part of his investigation into the structures and processes of legitimate rulership. It is argued that central to the study of legitimate authority is a consideration of the internal coherence among the elements of the emergent type of rulership. Emphasizing the congruence helps better understand why some ways of legitimization succeed in achieving an orderly state of power, and why others fail at achieving authority. The approach is illustrated by a case
study of processes related to the constitution of
legitimate rulership in a government


