Itseohjautuvuus suomalaisessa työelämässä – missä ja ketkä sitä kokevat?


  • Merit Morikawa Aalto-yliopisto
  • Frank Martela Aalto-yliopisto
  • Jari Hakanen Työterveyslaitos


self-management, self-managing organization


Self-management in Finnish working life – where and who experience it?

Recently, self-management has been presented as a solution to higher motivation, agility, and innovativeness. Despite increased interest in the topic, many of the theoretical claims have yet to be studied quantitatively. This research aims to illuminate where and who experiences self-management within the Finnish workforce, with a heterogeneous sample of 2 000 Finnish employees. We distinguish between organizational self-management (OSM), as the extent of decentralization of power within the organization, and employee self-management (ESM) as how much power the individual employees experience. Our analysis shows that the male gender and a higher level of education were associated with higher levels of ESM, but these relationships disappeared once the position and salary level were controlled. The level of OSM was slightly higher for young organizations, in the third sector, and in certain industries such as information and communication.


