”Mihin rajaan saakka vapautta voi olla?”

Työkyvyn tuen järjestelmän paradoksit monimuotoisessa ansiotyössä



multiple jobholding, work ability, paradoxes


“Where are the limits of freedom?” – Paradoxes of multiple jobholding for the system of work ability promotion

Multiple jobholding (MJH) becomes more common as the complexity of societies increases. Previous research has focused mainly on the individual level study of causes and consequences of MJH. This study contributes to the literature applying the framework of paradoxes to analyse the challenges of MJH from the perspective of work ability management. Thematic interviews were conducted with 42 persons representing different stakeholders. Qualitative content analysis was used as a research method. The interviewed persons reported numerous challenges in MJH, mainly concerning the flow of information between different stakeholders. The identified paradoxes arise from the prevailing societal assumption of each employee having a single long-term full-time job. While the promotion of work ability is organised by individual employers, it poorly fits the diverse and complex situations of MJH.


