Positiivinen näkökulma konfliktijohtamiseen – esimiesten onnistumiset ristiriitatilanteiden ratkaisussa


  • Ilkka Salmi
  • Juha Perttula
  • Antti Syväjärvi


conflict management, positive organizational scholarship, positive leadership, phenomenography


A positive view on conflict management – resolving conflict situations successfully
This research aims to reveal managers’ conceptions about the successful ways of resolving conflict situations between employees. The research question is “What conceptions do managers associate with the successful ways of resolving conflict situations between employees? ” The research data was collected through a questionnaire posted to managers in the public health care sector. Out of 47 managers, 20 responded to the questionnaire. Eventually, 19 responses were included in the analysis, which we conducted using the phenomenographic approach. On the basis of the analysis, the following three description categories were formed: a manager’s own action; cooperation between a manager and both parties of a conflict; and a resolution by a third party. A manager’s interaction and attitude proved to be important factors in resolving conflicts. Using the accrued data, we formed four classes – diplomatic, assertive, empathic, and delegative


