Työyhteisötaidot sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa


  • Merja Karhapää
  • Sanna Laulainen
  • Tuula Kivinen


work community skills, organizational citizenship behaviour, knowledge, social welfare, health care, social constructionism


Work community skills in social welfare and health care    Work community skills relate to actions that improve the success of an organization and to work relations between all employees. This qualitative study focused on employees’ collective perceptions of work community skills in social welfare and health care. Empirical studies in this context are rare. The research questions were: “What work community skills are emphasized in social welfare and health care?” and “How are work community skills connected to professionalism in social welfare and health care?” By utilizing the theoretical framework of organizational citizenship behavior and knowledge, we analyzed the research data through categorization analysis. The perspective used was social constructionism. The data were gathered from a social welfare and health care organization in the years 2011–2012 and consisted of simplified expressions (N=168) produced by more than 1,000 employees. The emphasized work community skills were: responsibility in one’s work role, multiprofessional...

