Muuttuva julkinen hallinto ja työelämäkompetenssien suuntaviivat suomalaisessa korkeakoulutuksessa


  • Jari Autioniemi Vaasan yliopisto
  • Jonna Kosonen
  • Niina Mäntylä
  • Hanna Partinen
  • Hanna-Kaisa Pernaa


public administration education, competencies, working life skills, development


Changing public administration and guidelines for working life competencies in Finnish higher education

What are the requirements of working life in the public administration in the future? What working life skills should be emphasized in national education of Public Administration? The results of the article base upon four empirical research
materials: (1) a study based on anticipatory material, (2) a survey, (3) a workshop, and (4) an expert panel on working life requirements in public administration. The findings are analysed and construed with reference to international and national literature. The results emphasize change, transformation ability, networking public administration, phenomenon-based orientation, collaboration and customer orientation.

Keywords: public administration education, competenciesworking life skills, development 



