Alustat paikallisen hallinnan välineenä – käsitteellinen tarkastelu


  • Kaisu Sahamies 0000-0002-5985-7557
  • Arto Haveri Tampereen yliopisto
  • Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko Tampereen yliopisto


platform governance, local governance, City as a Platform, platform


The concept of platform, its connotations and relationship with local governance

The aim of this article is to shed light on the relevance of platforms in urban governance. Discussion starts with a brief description of the evolution of platform discourse and a critical view of how platforms relate to governance paradigms. As the idea of platform is often associated with openness and participation, this particular dimension is elaborated as a potentially beneficial feature of platform governance. In order to concretize the picture of platforms in the given context, this article presents a typology of urban platforms based on the most common platform functions. Our discussion reveals that while platforms have a connection with classic modes of governance, they have irreducible features worth acknowledging in the theorization of public governance. The type of platform, the level of analysis and social structures are preconditions for understanding the platform logic in urban governance.


