Julkisten ICT-hankintojen käyttäjäkeskeisyyden edellytysten kriittinen tarkastelu


  • Heli Kautonen Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura
  • Marko Nieminen Aalto-yliopisto


user-centred design, ICT, public pro- curement, critical discourse analysis


The article, titled A Critical look at the prerequisites of user-centred ICT procurements in the public sector, examines the challenges of digitalisation. It focuses on the requirements of user-centredness in the acquisition of information and communication technology (ICT) in the public sector. Previous research has examined the development of information systems and digital services through theoretical models of acceptance and success. These models are conceptually linked with the models of user-centred design (UCD). However, user-centric viewpoints do not always thrive in organisations. In this article, we present qualitative research that explores  the social practices of public sector ICT procurement. We analyse the discourse in a set of public tendering notices critically and observe shortcomings in tools, competencies and attitudes that guide the procurement process. We conclude the article with suggestions towards a more user-centric approach.


