Ideaalityöntekijän ruumiillinen pääoma ja ammatillinen habitus rekrytoijien silmin


  • Tuija Koivunen


The article focuses on the question about the characteristics to which the recruiters pay attention when they select employees for various work positions. In another words, how do the recruiters draw an image of the best possible worker, and what kind of ideal worker types there are. The article utilizes the conceptualizations of habitus and embodied capital, derived from Pierre Bourdieu’s work. As a result of analysis, the article presents five gendered ideal worker types of occupational habitus, which are accountant, warehouse worker, customer service worker, salesperson and IT worker. The recruiters form the ideal worker image, which is supported by the practices of the recruitment process. On the one hand, the ideal worker image helps recruiter to search and find the best possible match to every work position. On the other hand, it restricts the range of variation, when recruitment is made according to the ideal worker type.


