”Enemmän tulosta vähemmällä väellä”?

Työhyvinvoinnin ja tuloksellisuuden väliset haasteet kuntasektorilla esimiesten, henkilöstöammattilaisten ja henkilöstön kokemana


  • Kirsi Lehto
  • Riitta Viitala


“Doing more with less people”? The
views of managers, human resource
professionals and employees about
challenges in balancing productivity
and well-being at work
The aim of this article is to examine the future
challenges for human resource management in
Finnish municipalities estimated by the managers and supervisors, human resource professionals and employees. The data for this article
originates from a wide web-based survey (HR
Barometer). Altogether 547 answers were received. Commonly shared challenge was how
to manage scarce resources. The importance
of work well-being was recognized in each respondent group. However, there were contradictory perceptions how to improve welfare
in workplaces. The findings indicated also that
employee welfare should be one of the strategic
development targets of HRM in municipalities.


