Yhteistyön kääntöpuoli – kun itseorganisoituminen epäonnistuu ja ilmaantuminen yllättää
The hidden side of co-operation: When
self-organisation fails and emergence
As a practice, co-operation is seen in an affirmative light. It is identified with the progress
and improvement of the state of affairs without
much questioning. Apart from the potential
benefits of co-operation this paper claims that
with co-operation comes something unintended
and unexpected that should be examined closely.
Like Janus, co-operation has two faces. In addition to improving the means of providing public
services, co-operation introduces new political,
ethical, economic, and cultural dilemmas.
Using the complexity lens, this exploratory
paper focuses on dilemmas introduced by the
“bottom-up organising” of co-operation – particularly on self-organisation processes, which
produce emergent patterns that no-one chooses
or wants. The objective of the paper is to theoretically explore the meaning of self-organisation and emergence in complex co-operation
settings and to seek potential new theoretical
frames to address the phenomenon.