Kuntahallinnon uudistaminen arvioinnin kohteena


  • Inga Nyholm
  • Jenni Airaksinen


Local government reform as an object
of evaluation
Ideally, reforming local governments can be seen
as a process that has its start in changes in society,
and that proceeds from interpretations of these
changes to aims, tools, implementation and
effects. However the reality of reforms is much
more complex than the often somewhat generic
principles that they are based on. Administrative
reforms are more like a chain of actions in which
the chosen principles usually lead to deeds, to
acts and to results. Evaluation of government
reforms should thus concentrate on revealing
the dynamics of these often multidimensional
reform processes. This puts pressure on the
evaluation, and on the methods and approaches
used in the evaluation, to serve the needs of both
research and practice.


