Aineistopaketit ja rajapinnat tutkijoiden työkaluna Kansalliskirjastossa: mahdollisuudet ja rajoitteet



digitaaliset ihmistieteet [], sähköinen aineisto [], rajapinnat (tietokoneohjelmat) [], dokumentointi [], tutkijat [], benchmarking [], digitaalisten aineistojen tutkimuskäyttö, digitaalisten aineistojen kehitys, tutkijapalveluiden kehitys


In this article, we study the possibilities of the data packages and interfaces of the National Library of Finland in the context of researcher use and comparing with other libraries and their solutions. The researchers’ needs towards digital materials are various depending on the research field, usage purpose and the technical background each individual has. The researchers approach the digital materials from the viewpoint of their research needs, e.g. via source literature and materials. The National Library offers material and data from collections of the library, which have been digitized and converted to data packages based on the needs of the library and the researchers. The data packages and interfaces can be used e.g. in digital humanities, where one of the goals is to develop new methods and techniques. Presently the data packages and interfaces are, however, underused and seem hard to approach. Both the skills of the researchers, attitudes and understanding about interfaces and problems with interfaces limit their use. For example, the level of documentation, examples provided and visibility to the documentation on websites are not responding to the expectations of the researchers. In different libraries, the aim is to create tools, which aim to instruct and ease the use of the interfaces.

How to Cite

Liukkonen, E., Näpärä, L., Pääkkönen, T., & Rautiainen, J. (2021). Aineistopaketit ja rajapinnat tutkijoiden työkaluna Kansalliskirjastossa: mahdollisuudet ja rajoitteet . Informaatiotutkimus, 40(3), 189–215.