Kontekstualisointimalli sosiaalisen median lähdekritiikin avaimena



sosiaalinen media [http://www.yso.fi/onto/yso/p20774], lähdekritiikki [http://www.yso.fi/onto/yso/p14440], konteksti [http://www.yso.fi/onto/yso/p11905], affordanssi


The use of social media platforms is undoubtedly part of everyday life for most people and consequently, the threshold for using social media data as a source of research has also been lowered in many different disciplines. However, source critical processing of social media data often focuses on examining either technical or cultural influences, depending on the researchers’discipline, although social media data is always the result of a combination of both. To facilitate the diverse source critical processing of social media data, this paper presents a social media contextualization model. The model specifies the different contexts, such as the culturo-historical background of the different platforms, and affordances that define the possible uses of a platform and consequently affect social media data. In addition, the paper presents practical examples of how different affordances and contexts can be reflected in social media platforms and data, and why researchers should take them into account.

How to Cite

Vaahensalo, E. (2021). Kontekstualisointimalli sosiaalisen median lähdekritiikin avaimena. Informaatiotutkimus, 40(3), 110–141. https://doi.org/10.23978/inf.107897