Ikääntyneiden liikuntatietokäyttäytyminen: väestöpohjainen GASEL-tutkimus



The aim of this GASEL -study was to investigate the association between physical activity related information behaviour and socio-demographic or psychological factors, or perceived barriers to physical activity among Finnish older people (65 to 97 years). A population- based questionnaire data were collected in the GASEL project (n=918, response rate 61.2%). From the psychological factors investigated locus of control was associated with sharing and avoiding information. Those with internal locus of control are more likely to share and not to avoid physical activity related information. For example, from the barriers to physical activity winter as a time of year was related to information behavior. Older people who felt that winter is a barrier to physical activity were more likely to avoid thinking about physical activity information. Profiles of typical sharer, avoider and user of physical activity related information are also presented.




How to Cite

Enwald, H., Korhonen, K., Tuomaala, M., Kangas, M., Jämsä, T., & Korpelainen, R. (2016). Ikääntyneiden liikuntatietokäyttäytyminen: väestöpohjainen GASEL-tutkimus. Informaatiotutkimus, 35(1-2), 3–15. Retrieved from https://journal.fi/inf/article/view/58978